Event: Pre-Employment Transition Services: SEA Formal Interagency Agreement Webinar

When: Pre-recorded. Available on-demand.

This is a pre-recorded webinar available on demand and presented by the WINTAC Pre-ETS team, RSA, NTACT, and Nevada VR and DOE.

In this webinar presenters share information on the requirements of the Formal Interagency agreement, background, the requirements under IDEA that align with the agreement, the toolkit to assist in the development of the agreement, and Nevada's experience revising their SEA agreement to be consistent with WIOA.

Closed Captioning streams during the recording. A copy of the transcript is also available upon request. Presentation materials are available for download once registered. Please complete the evaluation located in the Web links pod on the site.

One CRC credit will be awarded upon completion and submission of your evaluation.