More About this Training
Join us for the second of a four-part webinar series on career pathways. We will share some specific strategies from the Virginia Career Pathways for Individuals with Disabilities. The focus will be on activities that illustrate how we have successfully engaged business with our initiatives and outcomes resulting from those activities. Items we will address include business supports resulting from addressing business needs such as:
- lack of qualified credentialed workers in the pipeline,
- Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act and federal contracting recruitment, diversity and disability etiquette for the workplace,
- accommodations, universal design, and assessment,
- techniques for ensuring individuals are a good match for in-demand business positions, and
- collaborative and seamless business service.
As we focus more on data-driven decision making, we have access to more sophisticated outcomes measurements. Technology has made us responsive to consumers' needs in real time, and it has also allowed us to learn much about our collaborators and the world of business.
We have access to extremely sophisticated labor market information and related tools that inform the work we do. Current day, we need to be aware of such terms as "job driven," "business as customer," "workforce development system," which entities that term refers to, and how we can partner with those entities. We'll be talking about those topics and more.
This webinar is hosted by the Career Pathways for Individuals with Disabilities, or CPID project in Virginia, including the Department for aging and rehabilitative services, the Virginia Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired, and the George Washington University Center for Rehabilitation Counseling, Research, and Education.
This webinar is close captioned and a transcript is available below.
Dr. Rob Froehlich, Ed.D., LPC, CRC
Tish Harris, MBA, CWDP
Diane McBride
LaPearl Smith