Pre-Employment Transition Services – A Meta View
More About this Training
Melissa Diehl and Christine Johnson from the WINTAC Pre-ETS team are joined by Ruth Allison from the Center for Transition and Career Innovation (CTCI) at the College of Education - University of Maryland to provide an overview of Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014. In addition, the team provides a tour of both the WINTAC and NTACT websites to explore existing resource, tools, and training to highlight services and strategies for effective implementation.
This 30-minute meta-view is an excellent resource to start or expand your journey of learning about these valuable services available to students with disabilities.
Focus of this webinar:
- Provide an overview of pre-employment transition services
- Tour: Explore the resources, tools, and training available for Pre-employment transition services
- Technical Assistance and collaboration between VR and Education: Beyond 2020
The contents of this webinar were developed with support from the Center for Innovative Training in Vocational Rehabilitation (CIT-VR) funded by the US Department of Education, the Rehabilitation Services Administration. The ideas, opinions, and conclusions expressed, however, are those of the authors and do not represent recommendations, endorsements, or policies of the US Department of Education.
This webinar is close-captioned and a transcript is available.
Ruth Allison, M.B.A.
University of Maryland